Dear Narendrabhai,
Congratulations on your first anniversary of four issues of Jiv Daya Digest. Thank you very much and please keep up the good work. Such pro-active work is THE need of the time here in North America as well as for the development of Jainism. I sincerely appreciate your and others who are helping you in this work.
I bring to your attention an item I read in this issue of India Abroad (Toronto Ed.). It reads: Low-fat Indian food guide cuts heart disease risk. As part of Project LEAN (Low-fat Eating for Americans Now), the Dept. of U.S. Public Health asked an Indian American dietician, Anita Verma, to develop an "Indian Food Guide Pyramid" which helps people of Indian origin to revise their diet. The pyramid not only confirms to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, but also takes into the ethnic and geographical diversity of Indian food.
Further, while I appreciate and support your October 2 as Vegetarian Day, I feel that as a Jain, we should observe Mahavir Jayanti as AHIMSA DAY in April. On this day try for MEATLESS DAY by getting the slaughter houses closed (once in a year) and get restaurants and hotels (public eating places) do not serve meat (non vegetarian items). This is similar to the one observed in India with the support of the Central as well as state governments (though India is a secular country). You can get support of other Humane Societies, Vegetarian Associations too.
Prakash Mody -- Toronto, ONT.
(We have already developed an Indian Food Guide Pyramid, with guidance from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and North American Vegetarian Society. We printed it on cover page of the book that we published last year, "Jainism and Animal Issues," a Handbook for Compassionate Living, through JAINA. Not only it is low fat, it also is vegan/Ahimsak. We have seen several Indian dieticians, whose definition of low-fat is still too high-fat for us! And, many still do not accept dairy less diet, because it is too new a notion.
Federation of JAINA has already been now celebrating October 2 as "Ahimsa Day" for several years. Most animal right and/or vegetarian groups have established two annual events on their calendars -- March 20 as "Meatless Day," and October 2 as "World Vegetarian Day." As Jain, we would prefer to do those activities on Mahavir Jayanti, but the outside organizations would need a stronger motivation! However, let us feel free and happy to celebrate each and every day a "Meatless, World Vegetarian, Ahimsa Day." -- Editor)*
Dear Narendrabhai,
Your publication has very good information, and we use the material in our Jain pathshala. Can you publish a weekly diet plan starting with breakfast and portions? That will help a lot.
Pravin Mehta -- Clarksville, TN
(Thank you for using the material in Pathshala. Children, when young, are very kind and they absorb the compassion very easily. Regarding your suggestion, we will try to get some weekly plan, as soon as possible. Right now majority of our readers are Gujarati Jains, but there are many non-Gujarati, non-Indian, non-Jains, so we would need something very universal. -- Editor)
*I was very pleased to read your issue of Jiv Daya Digest (July-September) issue, especially the information under "Cruelty Free." But, I was disappointed, not to find where to look for my make up. Please can you help me find a Mall or Shop that sells the particular brands you have quoted as being cruelty free products in fashion? I feel guilty every morning using the "Clinique" Product I currently have purchased, in ignorance.
Nina Shah -- Edison, NJ
(I am glad you asked these questions, and I am proud of your compassion for the animals. The Shopping Guide section of the JAINA book, "Jainism and Animal Issues," contains answers to many such questions. If you haven't seen the book, send me your address for it. When you go for shopping, always look for some words, or symbols to indicate so, that clearly signifies that the product has not been tested on animals, and it does not contain any animal ingredients. New products and manufacturers enter market every day, so we can never have a totally up-to-date listing! That is why such a vigilance is needed from caring shoppers like you. All the animals will appreciate that. -- Editor)
"Meat is Murder"