Sangeeta Kumar -- Compassionate Living, San Diego, CA
From the depths of our hearts we can hear the cry of countless animals being slaughtered we can feel the hands of starving children reaching out. In our own dwellings we can taste the toxins in the water, and in our own cities we can smell the pollution in the air.
The animals, the children and the earth are calling for us.
How will we answer their calls?
There are so many things that you can do to answer this call. The following are some of the things that we here at Compassionate Living are doing to raise awareness in the community.
Educational Program
Teaching kids is one of our favorite projects. This is very rewarding work because many children after our presentation are inspired to make lifestyle changes and go vegetarian!
Ongoing Protests
We often are approached by national and local groups to organize protests on various issues. Usually a month does not go by where we have not organized several protests. These are very important because in one protest we can get on two or three TV stations and get the message out to the public. For example we were interviewed by several TV stations on our protest against animals for experimentation. They gave us some time to talk about why we think it is wrong. That one protest therefore reached over 100,000 people who were not physically there, but saw the report on the news, or newspaper, or heard it on the radio.
What you can do
Here are a few ideas for you to help spread the word for the animals. If you would like some advice please email us at or call us at 619-495-1723.
Write Right… alright?
If you see an article against animals in the paper write a letter to the editor to your local paper, make it short and to the point, and your letter has a good chance of being published. You can reach thousands this way!
"Check Out Wildlife Groups. Before you support a "wildlife" or "conservation" group, ask if it supports hunting. Such groups as the National Wildlife Federation, the National Audubon Society, the Sierra Club, the Izaak Walton League, the Wilderness Society, the World Wildlife Fund, and many others are pro-hunting.
"Speak Up. When you see cruelly produced clothing and accessories in stores, please let the clerks and managers know you object to the sale of animal parts.
"Contact Your Newspaper. Ask your local paper to write a story on the advantages of a vegetarian diet or the cruelties of the factory farm, or write a letter to the editor on the subject.
"Act on Principle. When bus driver Bruce Anderson stuck to his vegetarian principles and refused to give riders coupons for free hamburgers, he was fired by the Orange County (California) Transit Authority (OCTA). Anderson was reinstated when he won a lawsuit ruling that all vegetarians and vegans are entitled to protect their beliefs and rights.
"Write Letters to the Editor. Write letters to the editors of your local papers telling them why you won't attend a circus that forces animals to perform tricks."
"Enter Competitions. Enter your vegan recipes into cooking competitions and bake sales, and make it clear that no animal ingredients were used. Dan Handley, a chef at the Virginia Beach Hilton Hotel, won a barbecue cookoff contest with his vegan recipe!"
Compassionate Living
4867 Mercury Street
San Diego, CA 92111-2104 |